We, April Kabbash and Joe Barrette, believe in freedom of speech and choice. The voters in Chatham deserve an opportunity to elect council members in November who will focus on serving the residents of the Borough with an emphasis on LOCAL issues.
April Kabbash
April has lived in the Borough for 16 years with her husband and two sons, who both attended Chatham’s public schools. During that time she has volunteered for school PTO committees, and for the BSA Troop 8 Committee. Professionally, April is part of the team that started Boxcar, providing innovative options for commuters in Chatham and surrounding towns. Her leadership role also helped save The Noe Pond Club from development. Her experience as local volunteer and leadership roles in local small businesses equips April with a fresh perspective on the issues facing our community. She looks forward to serving on Borough Council in 2025!
April has lived in the Borough for 16 years with her husband and two sons, who both attended Chatham’s public schools. During that time she has volunteered for school PTO committees, and for the BSA Troop 8 Committee. Professionally, April is part of the team that started Boxcar, providing innovative options for commuters in Chatham and surrounding towns. Her leadership role also helped save The Noe Pond Club from development. Her experience as local volunteer and leadership roles in local small businesses equips April with a fresh perspective on the issues facing our community. She looks forward to serving on Borough Council in 2025!
Joe Barrette
Joe has lived in the borough for 15 years, married to his amazing wife Lisa, and is a proud father to two boys who have attended Chatham public schools. He has served Borough residents for the past three years as a member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and also volunteers as the Scoutmaster for Troop 28. Joe’s career has spanned 18 years in real estate with an early focus on public finance specializing in Affordable Housing. More recently, Joe has managed large real estate portfolios for Fortune 500 insurance companies. His leadership and career experience uniquely qualify him for a role on the Council given the challenges the Borough faces in the coming years.
Joe has lived in the borough for 15 years, married to his amazing wife Lisa, and is a proud father to two boys who have attended Chatham public schools. He has served Borough residents for the past three years as a member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and also volunteers as the Scoutmaster for Troop 28. Joe’s career has spanned 18 years in real estate with an early focus on public finance specializing in Affordable Housing. More recently, Joe has managed large real estate portfolios for Fortune 500 insurance companies. His leadership and career experience uniquely qualify him for a role on the Council given the challenges the Borough faces in the coming years.
Our Goals if Elected:
- Increase dialogue with residents and reduce closed-door council sessions
- Remind Chatham Borough’s leaders that their obligation is to the taxpayers of Chatham
- Support First Responders with needed equipment to improve safety and efficiency
- Improve our infrastructure (sidewalks, etc.) by providing the DPW needed resources
- Utilize expertise to ensure planned redevelopment fits the town charm and appeal
- Reduce taxes through the application of new revenue to reduce tax base
- Refocus the council agenda to local issues rather than divisive culture-war distractions
In the Press:
Republican Values: Limited Government, Fiscally Responsible Taxation & Budgeting, Enhanced Public Safety, Parental Rights, Personal Responsibility & Individual Liberty.

Bob Weber & Freddie Bicknese For Chatham Borough Council
What's at stake in this election locally for Chatham Borough?
This year will be pivotal for our Borough. Unlike our
opponents, we have established a clear platform with an explanation of
what could be improved and how we plan to accomplish those
EARLY IN-person Voting Ends 11/6 @6pm, in Madison NJ (click for more info): 50 KINGS RD MADISON, NJ 07940
2022 Candidates Forum of the Chathams (CLICK HERE): A BIG SUCCESS!! A special thank you to The Library of the Chathams for providing the venue. A BIG thank you for the hard work from the Sponsor (The Republican Club of the Chathams) for putting together an unbiased format and executing the event. And last but certainly not least, with gratitude to our residents, thank you to all who participated and observed our first of its kind annual Candidates Forum of the Chathams.
Please find below a summary of the positions and
statements we have provided to date:
Local community support and endorsements:
The Future's Looking Bright | Chatham, NJ News TAPinto
The Future's Looking Bright | Chatham, NJ News TAPinto
Resident engagement and affordable housing project update:
Local Democrats Mishandle Monumental Post Office Plaza Housing Project | Chatham, NJ News TAPinto
Transparency and accountability with your tax dollars is needed:
Holding our Mayor and Council accountable on Taxpayer spending by informing the public:
Taxpayer Beware: Local Dems to spend $6M of YOUR tax dollars on housing project | Chatham, NJ News TAPinto
Behind Closed Doors in Chatham Borough Council; Facts Matter:
Dysfunction Runs Rampant in All Democrat 7-0 Chatham Borough Government Abdication of Responsibility in 7-0 Democrat Borough Council:
NEW Endorsement: NJ State Senator Jon Bramnick: Awarded as New Jersey's most Responsive State Senator
NEW Endorsement: ALL 7 Morris County Commissioners- Responsible for SIX consecutive years of annual budgets WITHOUT A SINGLE Tax hike!
Local Democrat Hypocrisy Baked into Chatham Borough's Annual Budget: Local Democrats Orchestrate a Bait and Switch With Your Tax Dollars
NEW Endorsement: Morris County Sheriff James Gannon : Bob Weber & Freddie Bicknese are the ONLY Candidates endorsed by the Sheriff for Chatham Borough Council to combat rising crime.
Democrats’ “Soft on Crime” Policies Catch Up to Chatham:. Republicans Bob Weber & Freddie Bicknese are the ONLY Borough Candidates Endorsed by Law Enforcement
Problems Grow in Chatham Borough:

About The Candidates & Statement on Chatham Borough Council
Bob Weber and Freddie Bicknese are running for the Borough Council in 2022. If elected, Bob and Freddie will work hard to ensure Chatham is a safe, inviting, and economically viable community for everyone.
In the Republican candidates’ view, among the many issues facing Chatham are:
-The lack of transparency related to the Post Office Plaza redevelopment project and the need to make sure that any prospective redevelopment takes into account the impact that such projects can have on property values and the small-town feel of Chatham;-The increase in car thefts and the need for enhanced police patrols to combat the thieves who compromise our community’s safety;-The serious danger to children and motorists posed by speeding drivers on roads like Lafayette, North Passaic, Fairmount, and Hillside;-The need to repair and/or replace certain aging Fire Department equipment that may cause danger to firefighters or the public;-The need to improve the downtown district and the overall look of Main Street;-The need for innovative ways to constrain municipal spending, while finding new revenue sources to fund essential services; and-The need to update the Borough’s long-range financial plan, which was last revised in 2017.
Bob Weber served as a Borough Council Member from 2018 through 2020 and has lived on Summit Avenue since 1993 with his wife Jill. Their three sons all attended Chatham public schools. A graduate of Rutgers Law School, Bob was an Assistant Morris County Prosecutor for 26 years. For his second career, he became a certified teacher and is now a substitute teacher for the School District of the Chathams. Bob has been an active community volunteer for many years, including serving as Cubmaster for Pack 6 and as an Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 8 and mentoring Eagle Scout candidates. He has also been a member of the Chatham Borough Board of Health since 2018.
Freddie Bicknese is a business and financial litigator with many years of experience at large Wall Street law firms as well as smaller New Jersey firms. A graduate of Rutgers College and Temple Law School, his practice areas have included commercial litigation, defamation, securities fraud, insurance coverage, and consumer fraud. He and his wife June have lived on North Hillside Avenue since 2010 and their two children attend Chatham Middle School and Milton Avenue School. A dedicated father who took a break from his law practice to support his wife's career and care for their children, Freddie values family above all else. Bicknese is a current Member of the Morris County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Advisory Committee, in which he serves on the Legislation and Advocacy Subcommittee. He also serves as an elected member of the Morris County Republican Committee.
-The lack of transparency related to the Post Office Plaza redevelopment project and the need to make sure that any prospective redevelopment takes into account the impact that such projects can have on property values and the small-town feel of Chatham;-The increase in car thefts and the need for enhanced police patrols to combat the thieves who compromise our community’s safety;-The serious danger to children and motorists posed by speeding drivers on roads like Lafayette, North Passaic, Fairmount, and Hillside;-The need to repair and/or replace certain aging Fire Department equipment that may cause danger to firefighters or the public;-The need to improve the downtown district and the overall look of Main Street;-The need for innovative ways to constrain municipal spending, while finding new revenue sources to fund essential services; and-The need to update the Borough’s long-range financial plan, which was last revised in 2017.
Bob Weber served as a Borough Council Member from 2018 through 2020 and has lived on Summit Avenue since 1993 with his wife Jill. Their three sons all attended Chatham public schools. A graduate of Rutgers Law School, Bob was an Assistant Morris County Prosecutor for 26 years. For his second career, he became a certified teacher and is now a substitute teacher for the School District of the Chathams. Bob has been an active community volunteer for many years, including serving as Cubmaster for Pack 6 and as an Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 8 and mentoring Eagle Scout candidates. He has also been a member of the Chatham Borough Board of Health since 2018.
Freddie Bicknese is a business and financial litigator with many years of experience at large Wall Street law firms as well as smaller New Jersey firms. A graduate of Rutgers College and Temple Law School, his practice areas have included commercial litigation, defamation, securities fraud, insurance coverage, and consumer fraud. He and his wife June have lived on North Hillside Avenue since 2010 and their two children attend Chatham Middle School and Milton Avenue School. A dedicated father who took a break from his law practice to support his wife's career and care for their children, Freddie values family above all else. Bicknese is a current Member of the Morris County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Advisory Committee, in which he serves on the Legislation and Advocacy Subcommittee. He also serves as an elected member of the Morris County Republican Committee.
Checks may also be made payable to "Turn Chatham Red" and mailed to 137 North Hillside Ave. Chatham NJ 07928.
Chatham Borough Council
Checks for Bob Weber and Freddie Bicknese can be made out to:
"Turn Chatham Red"
137 North Hillside Ave. Chatham NJ 07928